Items filtered by date: February 2024

The Department of Communications Engineering obtains first place among the corresponding departments in the national classification of Iraqi universities with a score of 77.9, a difference of 20 degrees from the nearest corresponding department, as the Ministry of Higher Education announced the results of the Iraqi classification of engineering departments in universities. The results of this version, which was completed by the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority, include the evaluation of (1875) scientific departments in (95) public and private universities and colleges according to program accreditation standards 40%, faculty members 25%, students 20%, and international classifications for academic specializations 15%.

The Communications Engineering Department conducted a training workshop entitled

"Presentation and discussion of results"
Within the Skills Development Program in the Communications Engineering Department. Dr. Husam Hussein Ali in the Department of Communications Engineering with presence of a number of graduate students and lecturers
The aim of the workshop was to familiarize graduate students and researchers with the manner of presenting results and discussing in the stages of research preparation or master's and doctoral thesis etc.
The workshop included how to view and discuss the results and how to design charts and common and different terms in the graphs, tables and words used in the presentation sentences. It also clarified the role of comments, comparisons and explanations with examples of charts, tables and details of each.
