The Department of Communications Engineering is holding a discussion session within the cultural and scientific season of the department 2024-2025
The Department of Communications Engineering, under the supervision of the respected Head of the Department of Communications Engineering, Assistant Professor Dr. Afanin Anwar Abboud, held a discussion session in the department entitled
"First Aid"
Given by Dr. Muhammad Anwar Abboud
Among the attendees were the Scientific Assistant, Prof. Dr. Ali Jabbar Salem, Head of the Optical Communications Branch, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Diaa Hassib, Head of the Wireless Communications Branch, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hussein Mari, and a large number of professors and students of the department. The discussion session addressed the importance of first aid, which is saving the lives of others from any danger and in any place. It is a major procedure required by everyone, and the art of nursing and first aid must be learned in critical cases. You are a professional paramedic with all scientific skills and a major reason for saving the lives of others, as the attendees were trained on the most important injuries and how to provide first aid to them and deal with them, and what are the most important symptoms of each injury.
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