Tuesday, 11 October 2022 10:43

A Discussion of a master's thesis in the Department of Communications Engineering

On Tuesday, 11th Oct. 2022, was held in the department of communications engineering and with presence of the head of department Assistant Prof. Dr. Afanin Anwar.

A postgraduate student Karrar Haider Abdul-Jabbar has discussed his master thesis entitled:

(Performance Enhancement of Massive MIMO For 5G Wireless).

The attendance was a number of professors, lecturers and postgraduate students in the department.

After a distinguished scientific discussion by the discussion committee, which consisted of Prof. Dr. Thamer Muhammad Jamil as Chairman, and the membership of Assistant Prof. Dr. Fadel Sahib Hassan, Dr. Mustafa Dhiaa Haseeb and the Assistant Prof. Dr. Wa'el Abdul Hassan as a member and supervisor.

The student was awarded a master's degree with a grade of high very good.





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